As we have already mentioned, the need to create a dedicated IT system comes from the fact that there’s no such solution available on the market. Therefore, to start designing such software, it is necessary to get to know the needs of the company and its processes in detail. A brief, one-off workshop or even the most productive brainstorming is not enough. If we want to build a truly valuable system that solves real problems of the company and its people, the software house team should get to know them from as close as possible.
Let’s take medium-sized e-commerce as an example. The company is ready to scale up the business but is hindered by technological and process limitations. After checking the possibilities of ready-made solutions, the company decides that none of them would be up to the task. As a consequence, an email with the text “HELP” lands on Avra’s mailbox. What happens next?
Before anyone starts to think about designing the system, we spend up to 2 weeks in the client’s company. We get to know all the processes that take place in it and learn about the problems and challenges of end-users. Learning about the relationships between all departments allows us to develop a valuable system that will solve pressing problems and enable scaling.
Here’s a list of departments that we would visit: