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Mule vs. n8n: Workflow Automation Tools Compared [2024]

Buisness development integration programming Services

Choosing workflow automation and integration tool is a crucial decision. Check comparison of two most interesting tools: Mule vs n8n


What is Mule? What is n8n?

Let’s start with the basics.  If you haven’t encountered them before, Mule and n8n are powerful tools designed to make your life easier with workflow automation, like: 

  • Generate e-mails
  • create invoices,
  • generate waybills

Mule: Think of Mule as your enterprise-grade integration powerhouse. It’s part of the Anypoint Platform, designed for handling complex data flows and connecting those heavy-duty systems that large businesses rely on. If you need rock-solid reliability for mission-critical processes, Mule’s got your back.

n8n:  n8n takes a different approach. It’s open-source, super flexible, and prides itself on being “fair-code”.  This means you can dig into how it works, customize it to your heart’s content, and generally avoid feeling locked into a vendor’s platform. n8n excels at automating those repetitive tasks and building custom workflows that are unique to your business.

MuleSoft & n8n Key Features and Capabilities

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty: What can these workflow automation tools actually do?  Both Mule and n8n offer ways to connect different apps and systems, but they approach it differently.


Connectors and Nodes: Mule uses pre-built “connectors” for popular systems like Salesforce, SAP, or other enterprise integration needs. Think of these like plug-and-play adapters. n8n, on the other hand, has “nodes” that represent actions or services. You string these nodes together to build your workflows – more like a visual programming language or low-code approach.


Designing Your Workflow: Mule has a graphical design interface (drag-and-drop), but recommending custom code, making it suitable for complex integrations. n8n is super visual – you literally see your data flow from node to node.  This can be great for understanding complex logic, but there’s the potential for sprawling diagrams if you’re not careful.


Going Beyond Pre-Built Options:  Need to connect to something obscure or build custom integrations? Mule lets you build custom connectors, but it requires developer expertise. n8n often wins on flexibility – you can whip up nodes for niche APIs, use code snippets within your workflows, and even leverage its open-source nature.

Cost  Comparison

Okay, let’s talk money – because no matter how awesome a tool is, budget is always a factor.  This is another area where Mule and n8n go head-to-head with pretty different models.


  • Mule: Enterprise Pricing Mule’s part of Anypoint Platform, and that means subscription-based pricing tiers. There’s often a pretty significant upfront investment, and additional features or higher-level support can drive up the cost even further. It’s the kind of thing you carefully budget for as part of your broader IT infrastructure.
  • n8n: Open-Source with Options n8n’s core is free and open-source, which is a major plus. You can self-host it, meaning potential savings. However, if you want the convenience of cloud-hosted deployment or need enterprise-level support, there are paid plans. The nice thing is, you can often start for free and scale up if needed.


The Bottom Line:  Mule is typically the more expensive option, especially for larger deployments. If you’re cost-conscious or like the idea of starting small and experimenting, n8n might be a better fit budget-wise.


Important Note: Pricing for enterprise tools like Mule can be complex and depends on your specific needs. It’s always best to get a quote directly from them.

4 Rules to follow when making ecommerce integration

Embarking on e-commerce integration requires thoughtful planning and consideration of several critical factors to ensure a seamless and successful implementation. This journey involves not just technological adjustments, but also strategic foresight and robust security measures. Let’s explore the essential considerations that underpin a fruitful integration process:


  • Choosing the Right Platform: Selecting platforms isn’t just about the now; it’s a forward-looking decision. Consider not only how they meet current needs but also their ability to evolve with your business. Compatibility, functionality, and scalability are paramount.
  • Building a Scalable Architecture: The foundation you lay must support not just current operations but also the growth you envision. An architecture that’s scalable ensures you can expand without overhauling your entire system.
  • Ensuring Data Security: In an era where data breaches are costly, safeguarding sensitive information is non-negotiable. Adopting best practices in data security protects your business and builds customer trust.
  • Integration Testing: Thorough testing before going live is crucial. This phase helps identify and rectify any integration issues, ensuring a smooth operation post-deployment. It’s about foreseeing and fixing problems before they affect your users.

How Avra helped ecommerce companies integrate their systems

At Avra, we successfully managed an integration project for a prominent retail chain, streamlining its operations and enhancing efficiency across the board. Our efforts led to significant improvements in inventory management, order processing, and customer service, demonstrating the profound impact of effective e-commerce integration. This case study stands as a testament to the benefits and transformative potential that our specialized solutions can bring to businesses looking to elevate their operations and customer experience.

For more details, read a case study here 

AVRA IT System and Application Integration Services

With 20 years of experience and a portfolio of successful projects, Avra is more than an engineering firm; we’re e-commerce consultants who understand the intricate needs and challenges of the digital marketplace. Our expertise in seamless e-commerce integration, demonstrated through impactful case studies like the retail chain project, positions us uniquely to elevate your business operations. Let Avra be your partner in navigating the complexities of e-commerce integration, leveraging our deep understanding and technical prowess to drive your success.